Monday, 13 May 2013

Public to have a say in Burnaby's environmental strategy

Courtesy Just Us 3's

Burnaby council voted to move a step closer to a comprehensive plan for the environment Monday night when it approved the first phase of its Environmental Sustainability Strategy (ESS).

Phase one will involve an open house, information kiosks, and online engagement to educate Burnaby residents on what the city hopes to do to protect the environment moving forward.
"It is an opportunity for the public to come forward," said Coun. Sav Dhaliwal.

According to a report by city staff the idea is to "introduce the concept of sustainability and the realities of what Burnaby's situation is today within that context." In addition, the public consultation project is meant to find out what the public sees as goals and priorities for the community.

Burnaby's ESS is based on nine themes which the report describes as like petals on a flower. The themes outlined are:
  • Live-land use
  • Move-transportation
  • Green-green space and habitat
  • Build-buildings and energy
  • Flow-water management
  • Conserve-resource and waste management
  • Breathe-climate change and air quality
  • Thrive-holistic prosperity
  • Manage-governance, community partnership
Mayor Derek Corrigan said this themed approach involved "interesting ways to look at the issues," and he hopes citizens will look at the report.  "We want the public fully engaged," he said. 

Following the public consultation process of phase one, a summary report will be presented to the ESS steering committee to confirm the theme areas going forward to phase two. 

Phase two will be "a mix of broad and deep engagement activities," according to the report. Proposed engagement in phase two includes keynote speakers, interactive exercises to rank actions the public wants council to take and online surveys to evaluate options. 

More background 

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